Fashion Design News

Fashion Design News

Fashion Design News featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Construct Fashion

In this mini collection Mor researched the 20th century Art Deco style and created garments that are characteristics as objects and buildings with the spirit of Art Deco. It looks like a group of wearable 3d shapes, capturing the essence of Art Deco with both geometric and stream lines, through a unique point of view on fashion.

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90 Deg

The transforming of the bag and the chair of 90 degrees, 90 Deg. In the situations like walking for a long time and waiting in line tire people out, what they like to do is to have a seat. With one simple and quick way of action to meet the need. Turn 90 Deg 90 degrees to make a bag become a temporary seat for relaxing. Also, assemble their favorite style of the bag and enjoy exploring lives with it every day.

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Bird of Passage

Born from the motion in the elaborate journey of life, Bird of Passage shares its semantics with movement. The range of silhouettes in this collection are empowering, bold and sleek. Detailed application of sheer-play and fabric manipulation with intentional simplicity keep up the minimalist yet striking feel of the look. The cut of the garments elicits a posture that is visually and mentally empowering. The collection employs the use of silk dyeing, hand basting, hand finishing and various handcrafted detailing. The complete line-up brings forth the power look for the modern women.

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Code Prototype

The "Code Prototype" is a modular jacket. We deconstruct the jacket into three main parts: Collar, Sleeve and Body. Users can recombine the jacket form and functions by different parts, just like gears. Modular constructions are easier to fix or just changes the damages part. The users don't have to dump the whole jacket just because of small damage. We also hope this semi-customized design can make deeper connections between the products and human. Not just follow the “Fast Fashion”. We want to make fashion design more environmentally friendly and allow people to cherish their outfits.

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Archi Folds

Archie Folds are inspired by the potential of Japanese origami techniques in architecture as a solution for flexible spatial usage. They enable spaces to stay functional for longer and fulfill their potential when owners and requirements change. Archi Folds is a strong spatial gesture at the same time easily transported or moved thanks to their compact fold. High performance structures can be unfolded into a myriad of different shapes due to their structural flexibility, allowing two identical products to be installed in completely unique manners, re-used in different shapes and sizes.

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This is an innovative and safe umbrella that adapts to the modern lifestyle, liberating users’ hands and improving the usage efficiency. Its shoulder support structure changes umbrella’s feature, increases stability and provides a new ergonomic experience. This design was designed for people of almost all ages who use the umbrella frequently and have multi-task to do when using it. Without using any new technologies and materials, it has a low mass-production fee and sustainable development possibilities for existing product replacement.

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